Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Not Feeling Well

Ive been so busy the past 3 days! I had a doctors appointment this morning for an ultrasound to measure a cyst that is growing rapidly and painfully. I had a surgery back in 2008 for the same thing. Daniel was home on leave from Afghanistan at the time. When he came back for good that following April, we moved to the city we are in now and I lost the state funded insurance I had. During the past year, I have been in a lot of pain. I was hoping things would hold off until after we were married and I was able to see a doctor. Well, last week was my appt. I had another appointment today to measure the size of the cyst and she was not able to find it. She said she thought it may have ruptured. Everything I have read about a rupture was not good and sounded very scary. I was not able to see my doctor after the ultasound so I guess we will see. All through the day though, I have been in pain in the exact area where it is and I DONT think that it ruptured at all. Ugh, I dont know what is happening to me. Im scared and just wish I could have a straight answer.

Daniel is stressing me out. I have thankfully been able to talk to him since the first phone call. I guess Im being needy and insecure. I just want him to reassure me that we are going to be ok through all of this. This is nothing like the last deployment. We were able to talk last time. We chatted online and talked to each other. This time I get one 20min phone call. Which I am thankful for but being a newlywed, how are we supposed to make it with 20min a day? I dont understand. Everyone seems to stress how important communication is.......blah blah blah. If its so important, why isn't it offered to him? Im so annoyed and irritated, I can feel my blood pressure rise with every thought.

Im painting my bedroom on Friday. Something I have wanted to do since we moved in over a year ago. My dear friend is going to help me. It starts with a " this wont be so hard" but ALWAYS turns into , " I didn't think it would be so hard". Its a gorgeous color, I just hope I am not in more pain than I am now, afterwards. I will take a few pictures when its complete. The paint anyway. I have more ideas I want to do but one thing at a time I suppose.


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