Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where is Dr.Dre's song, "Today was NOT a good day"?

Ugh. Just ugh. Thats all I can manage to get out. I suppose everyone has to have those days in order to stay humble but jeez. Thankfully, today is over. The kids are in bed and everything school related is completed and ready for tomorrow. It started out pretty good, I thought. Maybe I just woke up in a mood. I got the kids off to school and cleaned a little. I made lunch and lit a few fall candles to get the house smelling nice. I watched my neighbors youngest kids. They played and had fun and there were no incidents. Looking back now, I guess it was just my afternoon that went south. After the boys got home from school, we loaded up in the van (that I pray can hold out just a little longer to get fixed!) and drove on post. First stop the bank. For a 30 min wait in the drive-thru. Yes, 30 minutes! I was so irritated, the boys hadn't started their homework bc we left as soon as they got home so we could be back quickly. Then to the PX for haircuts. Taco Bell for dinner ( it was almost 6 at this point. No way am I going to get dinner served, homework done and kids in bed by 7:30 at this point) for another 20min wait until I got fed up and went inside to order. Home, eat, homework, dishes, lunches, spelling word review, pj's, flossing & brushing, face washing, stories, kisses, reassurance, snuggles, DONE!   
Poor Gracie too. I mean I know that Daniel can't get to a phone. Well he can, he just doesnt want to wait in line for 3 hours. But Gracie is desparately waiting to hear his voice. I keep telling her that daddy is going to call her but then he doesn't and it crushes her. I feel bad for telling her he is going to call but at the same time, Im trying to let her know that he hasn't forgotten about her. When I spoke with him last night online, he said he was going to get a phone card today and try to set up the phone he got for out there. I dont want to be mad at him because I dont necessarily know all the circumstances but I see her heart aching for him and its killing me.  Ugh, this is mych harder than last time. She is not a 7wk old newborn that doesn't know any better. She has feelings and opinions. She knows more than we think she does. She bonded so deeply to her father. I guess I am where she is but trying to hold it together for her sake. When she sees me cry, she cries. Putting her to bed tonight, I told her that her daddy loves her so much and she told me that she would never give up. " I will never give up mommy, I miss my daddy." What 2 year old says that? God, please ease her hurting. Give her some peace and comfort and solace by being able to see her father or just hear from him atleast. This is so difficult to try and constantly keep telling her things that aren't happening.

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